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Here at THCSD, we are committed to assisting the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research (CMCR) at the University of California, San Diego. As part of that commitment, we encourage our members to take part in CMCR’s available research studies.

There are always new research projects on the horizon and UCSD’s CMCR currently has two different studies they are conducting.  One study deals with the treatment of chronic lower back pain with cannabis and the other is investigating the effects of cannabis on HIV-related neuropathic pain.   If you or anyone you know suffering from these ailments, CMCR is actively looking for qualified participants. You can find more information on the details of their current studies below.

CMCR 960 1
chronicback 1
cmcrqualify 1

If you are interested in seeing if you are qualified to participate in this study on the treatment of chronic lower back pain with cannabis, please contact the UCSD Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research at 619-543-5000 and please note the study you are interested in.

CMCR 960 1
CAMPflyer draft1 4 copy 1
CAMPflyer draft1 4 copy 2

If you are interested in seeing if you are qualified to participate in this study on the effects of cannabis on HIV-related neuropathic pain, please contact the UCSD Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research at 619-543-5000 and please note the study you are interested in.

Disclaimer :   THCSD and CMCR are not affiliated or contractually attached or obligated with one another in any capacity. THCSD provides information about various clinical studies as a public service to the San Diego community.