PART TWO: Five Simple Cannabis Infusion Methods
In Part One we covered the foundational knowledge it benefits one to know when approaching cannabis infusion methods. Armed with a basic understanding of the need to decarb, an awareness of the importance of choosing the most beneficial carrier oil for your needs, and knowing some simple ways to improve the bioavailability of your cannabinoids we’re ready to venture into the fun part, oil making through various cannabis infusion methods.
Think of this offering as a quick reference for the various cannabis infusion methods. Experience is your best teacher.
NOTE: Hot oils used in various cannabis infusion methods require careful handling to prevent injury. Use your best safety practices when infusing oils.
Cannabis Infusion Methods
Infusing Concentrates

The easiest of cannabis infusion methods:
- Determine your volume ratio of concentrate to carrier oil. Remember to add lecithin.
- Combine, heat until warm enough to completely incorporate all components. The lecithin will settle out, so keep stirring. A hot water bath will usually be warm enough.
- Give the lecithin a few hours to homogenize the mix. Then jar up and store.
Instant Pot Pressure Cooker

Set it and go. No need to decarb first, and no smell. The Instant Pot is indispensable in my canna kitchen when it comes to cannabis infusion methods.
- Mix ingredients in a covered container.
- Set up a pot-in-pot arrangement.
- Cook on high pressure for 110 minutes (see IP manual). Remember to turn off “Keep Warm.”
- Unplug and let cool for at least 6 hours before opening.
- Strain and add liquid sunflower lecithin. Mix thoroughly.
- Let sit overnight to disperse molecules before using.
Oven Baking

- Place ingredients in a secure, oven-safe container. I have a preference for canning jars.
- Bake at 170 – 200° F (77 – 93 C°) for at least 2 hours, stirring occasionally.
- Cool and strain.
- Add lecithin, stir thoroughly and let sit in fridge overnight before using.
I’ve deliberately left the next two methods for last. Although easy and safe, they’re both going to perfume your home with the scent of weed. I avoid being detected, and so I avoid these methods, but they can’t be beat for simplicity.
Crockpot Cannabis Infusions

- Combine decarbed buds, carrier oil or butter, and lecithin in the crockpot.
- Get the mix simmering, set on low and cook for at least 2-4 hours, stirring occasionally.
- Cool and strain.
- Add lecithin, stir thoroughly and let sit in fridge overnight before using.

Use either coconut oil or butter. This process takes time, but makes a potent oil.
- Combine buds and coconut oil with enough water to generously cover the plant material.
- Bring to a boil.
- Simmer one hour, stirring occasionally, adding more water if necessary.
- Cool completely.
- Heat to boiling and simmer another hour.
- Cool completely.
- One more time, bring to boil and simmer one hour.
- Cool until you can comfortably strain without burning yourself.
- Add liquid sunflower lecithin and mix thoroughly.
- Cool strained mix in the fridge until the oil solidifies.
- Lift the solid block off the water. Voilá! Infused canna oil in solid form.
- Gently heat to liquify
Thoughts On Straining
You’ll be needing to strain your oil to remove plant material, either gravity-fed only or squeezing as much out of the plant mash as possible.
I find gravity-fed oils are tastier. If you’re making oil for capsule administration, taste isn’t an issue. Used for cooking or as a tincture, placed under the tongue for absorption- tastiness is more desirable.
CAUTION: Let the oil cool enough before straining to avoid burning your hands.
Cheesecloth is a common choice for straining, but I went with 120 tpi (threads per inch) silkscreen material that I pre-washed. Why?
- All but the finest particulate matter gets captured.
- Less oil gets bound up in the filter.
- Twisting to get maximum recovery is easier with less mass.
- Silk washes with ease, dries like a breeze.
Wooden clothes pins, a Pyrex measuring cup, and a wide-mouth stainless canning funnel complete my efficient straining setup that functions like a more cost-effective chinois.

Incidentally, Dawn dish detergent is my go-to for cleanup. It’s gentle enough to use on waterfowl. I’m confident it won’t hurt my skin.
So there you have it, a quick reference for safely and easily producing cannabis infusions in your home kitchen. Dare to experiment. Practice safety at every turn, and feel free to share any insights or ask questions in the comments below.