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  • 100mg THC [10ct] (1000mg)
    • 100mg THC [10ct] (1000mg)
    • ,
    • $45.00
    • Buddies premium THC softgels offer a potent, controlled experience thanks to precise dosing and a variety of milligram options. Convenient and cost-effective compared to other edibles, our softgels are ideal for those seeking to replace pharmaceuticals with natural alternatives. With Buddies THC Softgels, you can always be sure you're harnessing the full potential of your THC. Ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerine, MCT oil, Cannabis oil
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  • 25mg THC [40ct] (1000mg)
    • 25mg THC [40ct] (1000mg)
    • ,
    • $60.00
    • Buddies premium THC softgels offer a potent, controlled experience thanks to precise dosing and a variety of milligram options. Convenient and cost-effective compared to other edibles, our softgels are ideal for those seeking to replace pharmaceuticals with natural alternatives. With Buddies THC Softgels, you can always be sure you're harnessing the full potential of your THC. Ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerine, MCT oil, Cannabis oil
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  • 50mg THC [20ct] (1000mg)
    • 50mg THC [20ct] (1000mg)
    • ,
    • $45.00
    • Buddies premium THC softgels offer a potent, controlled experience thanks to precise dosing and a variety of milligram options. Convenient and cost-effective compared to other edibles, our softgels are ideal for those seeking to replace pharmaceuticals with natural alternatives. With Buddies THC Softgels, you can always be sure you're harnessing the full potential of your THC. Ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerine, MCT oil, Cannabis oil
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  • 5mg THC [60ct] (300mg)
    • 5mg THC [60ct] (300mg)
    • ,
    • $25.00
    • Buddies premium THC softgels offer a potent, controlled experience thanks to precise dosing and a variety of milligram options. Convenient and cost-effective compared to other edibles, our softgels are ideal for those seeking to replace pharmaceuticals with natural alternatives. With Buddies THC Softgels, you can always be sure you're harnessing the full potential of your THC. Ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerine, MCT oil, Cannabis oil
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